Meet the team
University of A Coruña

The Gaia group of the UDC/CITIC is made up of computer engineers and astrophysicists who, since 2007, have been members of the international consortium DPAC, promoted by the European Space Agency to carry out the processing and analysis of data from the Gaia satellite. Our group has been able to take advantage of its multidisciplinary composition, which is fundamental in a mission like Gaia with an important component of both Astrophysics and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). We have experience in the application of advanced computing techniques, based on the Artificial Intelligence, both to the analysis of complex problems as well as to the treatment of information in extensive and heterogeneous databases. The AI techniques that we use range from the development of Expert Systems to support decision making, the analysis of information through Artificial Neuron Networks and through Genetic Algorithms.
University of Vigo

The University of Vigo team is composed by astrophysicists and technicians. This team has been working in light pollution for more than seven years, as staff of the University of Vigo and as part of the Spanish network of studies on light pollution [REECL]. The main research topics addressed are linked to the study and assesment of night sky quality in the Galician Autonomous Community. This team has also cooperated, in ligth pollution studies, with the Starlight Foundation, the Sky, Science and Culture Foundation or the Maritime Terrestrial National Park of the Galician Atlantic Islands [PNMTIAG], among several municipalities or public and private entities.